Author: Gary K


    I’m taking a class with the International Webmasters Association, “Legal Issues for Web Designers and Content Managers.” Just into the second week, the following is my homework from week one, a case analysis on ASHCROFT V. FREE SPEECH COALITION. Ashcroft lost. Enjoy: Gary Kopycinski Legal Issues for Web Designers and Content Managers Case Analysis, Week…

  • Google Analytics Gets Facelift

    Google announced a new version of Google Analytics today. According to the release, Google Analytics is: a free enterprise-class solution, enables executives, marketers and website owners to understand how their users interact with their website and help increase online business. Google has completely redesigned the product and enhanced the feature set through new email reporting,…

  • On Being Too Connected

    Have you ever felt too connected to the world because of all of these devices we have?  As designers, we need to learn to take breaks as well.  This is especially true as virtually anywhere now can become a work place.  I can set up shop anywhere in my home.  I can set up shop…

  • Use Protection When Looking for Love Online

    Sometimes a headline is just too good, too funny. Webroot Cautions Users to Use Protection When Looking for Love Online The story is from Webroot Software, Inc., providers of industry leading security software for consumers, enterprises and small and medium-sized businesses worldwide. The release comes on Valentine’s Day, and I have to hand it to…

  • Nero 7 Wins Another Award

    Departing from web design, there are some software packages that we have begun to use with regularity.  Burning a CD or DVD can be a complicated process, or friendly and simple.  Many of these packages were free in the past, and there still are good free packages available.  But sometimes you get what you pay…

  • Adobe Delivers Flash Player 9 for Linux

    Adobe Systems Incorporated (Nasdaq:ADBE) today announced the availability of Adobe® Flash® Player 9 for Linux, the next-generation client runtime for engaging with Flash content and applications on Linux open source operating systems. Full story and various links at Adobe here.

  • Web Standards in eGovernment

    I’ve written before about web standards, accessibility, and proper coding for web pages. These are crucial to solid web development, and requirements in government, at least here in the United States. That does not mean that all web pages validate, as is apparent from our own Whitehouse web site. However, as eGovernment becomes more commonplace,…

  • W3C Expands Support for Speech Synthesis of World Languages

    Those of us surfing the Web in English, or, for that matter, a Western, romantic language, forget sometimes that a very significant portion of the world’s population has a completely different understanding of language. The World Wide Web Consortium, an international consortium where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work together to develop…

  • Webroot’s Spy Sweeper® Enterprise 3.0 Named Best Anti-Spyware – 2006

    If you don’t regularly sweep for spyware, you should.  According to a decent article on Wikipedia, “Spyware is computer software that collects personal information about users without their informed consent. The term, coined in 1995 but not widely used for another five years, is often used interchangeably with adware and malware (software designed to infiltrate…

  • Google Number One Place to Work: FORTUNE

    eNews Park Forest reports today that Google debuts at number one on FORTUNE’s 2007 list of ”100 Best Companies to Work For.” This is a very impressive honor for a company that started out providing a search engine. The story reports on some of the perks included in working for Google: At Google you can…