Webroot’s Spy Sweeper® Enterprise 3.0 Named Best Anti-Spyware – 2006

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If you don’t regularly sweep for spyware, you should.  According to a decent article on Wikipedia, “Spyware is computer software that collects personal information about users without their informed consent. The term, coined in 1995 but not widely used for another five years, is often used interchangeably with adware and malware (software designed to infiltrate and damage a computer).”  There are unscrupulous programmers who write code to infest your computer.  Spyware is different than a virus, but equally as dangerous.

News today from Business Wire says that SC Magazine has named Webroot’s Spy Sweeper Enterprise 3.0 the best anti-spyware program of 2006.  That’s quite a distinction.  SC Magazine provides IT security professionals with in-depth and unbiased information through timely news, comprehensive analysis, cutting-edge features, contributions from thought leaders and the best, most extensive collection of product reviews in the business.  Read the entire release here.