Working for Free Speech Online in China

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Business Wire reports today: Internet Anti-Jamming Technology Companies Reach Milestone Agreement

The story effectively covers a plan on the part of four companies to help residents of China out-fox Chinese government efforts to censor the Internet. From the story:

edoors logoATLANTA–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Four world-leading companies in Internet anti-jamming technologies reached an agreement today that starts full-scale cooperation in their technology and business operations. The four companies are the World’s Gate, Inc., the Dynamic Internet Technology, Inc., the UltraReach Internet Corp, and the Garden Networks for Freedom of Information Inc.

Internet users in China are unable to access blocked overseas web sites without outside help from the free world. Several companies, including the above four, have successfully developed and implemented technologies (anti-jamming services, also known as anti-blockade services) to enable Chinese users to break through the blockade and access overseas web sites.

In recent years, hundreds of thousands of users have been visiting web sites outside China through services of these companies on a daily basis, and the accumulated number of visits has reached beyond one billion. The four companies that entered into this cooperative agreement have been providing services to many overseas web sites on many topics, such as news, education, entertainment, human rights, and politics. These companies act as a bridge between the Chinese Internet users — thirsting for news from the outside world — and the blocked overseas web sites.

“Funding of these anti-blockade tools and services, in addition to the income from various service contracts, comes from donations and in-kind contributions in different forms from people from all walks of life. Many talented people work for these companies as volunteers,” said Mr. Bill Xia, President of the Dynamic Internet Technology, Inc.

The agreement is truly an astounding effort. The four companies are:

  • The World’s Gate, Inc. is a private IT company offering Internet solutions for information freedom in China and other regions under suppressive regimes. Its current products include Internet based content, communications and anti-jamming platforms (web site: Its two major anti-jamming tools, GPass and FirePhoenix, are available for download as freeware for personal use in China from and, respectively.
  • Dynamic Internet Technology, Inc. (DIT) is a private technology company incorporated in North Carolina in 2001. DIT is at the forefront of anti-jamming technology for Chinese users, a leading researcher of Internet censorship in China, and an expert in mass-emailing to China. It has been providing mass mailing services for Voice of America (VOA) and Radio Free Asia (RFA) since February 2002, and for Human Rights In China since 2003. DIT has also provided short-term mass mailing services for China Information Center and The Epoch Times Inc. DIT’s web site is at
  • UltraReach Internet Corp. has created a method for the connection and reconnection of users to enable website access without being blocked, and has also invented the technology platform called the Global Internet Freedom Technology (GIFT) system — a dynamic node-proxy anti-jamming system. UltraReach’s major anti-jamming product, UltraSurf, can be downloaded from their web site at
  • Garden Networks for Freedom of Information Inc. is a not-for-profit organization that focuses on providing cutting-edge technologies to help people inside countries with censorship on Internet. Garden Networks has developed a series of software tools that have been introduced to Internet users and widely used in China since 2001. The software tools are available at